Happy Thanksgiving


Happy Thanksgiving!

This year we have so much to be thankful for. Remember to count those blessings! One blessing I have is the chance to do what I love. Write, cook, and spend time with my family! This coming year holds many plans for Heritage Kitchen. I look forward to bringing all of those plans to life. 

I am going to ask all of my community/readers to do me a favor. I will be doing reviews on products (food, kitchen, dining, and entertainment-related), other food blogs, recipes, cookbooks, and such. If you have something you would like to see me review let me know! 

You can comment below or drop me an email
Recipes sent that do not fit my diet will be revised. 

Other things to look forward to will be Printables, Meal Plans, and much more. I have greatly missed blogging, and look forward to building this community. 

Until next time Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours. 
