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Thanksgiving is just 5 days away!
You know what that means. Lots and lots of cooking yummy food!
Our personal menu is consisting of my husband's yummy turkey, pumpkin pies and my deviled eggs.
We of course will have more yummy goods, but this is the three favorites that everyone devours.
Well that and the yeast rolls. My family loves their bread products during the holidays.
So if you are cooking your own holiday meal for your family or even yourself you understand prep.
My prepping starts today pretty much. That is right 5 days before Thanksgiving.
What could I possibly be prepping 5 days before? My turkey is frozen!
Today is the day I will take it out of the freezer and start the thawing process.
Remember if you have a large turkey to give it more than just 3 days.
Our turkeys always end up still being frozen if we only allow it to thaw for 3 days.
Also place your turkey in the refrigerator to thaw. They need to thaw slowly so the meat won't ruin.
Last thing we want during the holidays is to give our family food poisoning.
Yes even that annoying family member who really gets under your skin.
When there are 4 days left till Thanksgiving go over your menu.
Make sure you have everything needed and if you don't make a mad dash to the grocery store.
Do not wait until the night before T-Day or the day of to get what you need.
Stores are a mad house and you take a chance of them being out of the product.
So sit down with your dinner menu written out or printed out.
Include a list of ingredients under the names of each dish.
Go through your kitchen checking off the items you have.
Whatever is not checked off place on a grocery list and make your grocery trip.
When it is 3 days and counting you can start preparing some of the things that need to be served cold.
This is also the day to focus on your housework.
You do not want to have to focus on major cleaning the day before.
So go through and start pulling out the cookware you will need.
Make sure you didn't loan out the roast pan or anything else.
The worst thing is when you go to pull out the roast pan and it's not there.
Then you are stuck with a turkey to cook and no pan to cook it in.
So make sure you have everything you will need in one easy find place.
Day before T-Day you will want to start baking your pies.
If you are going to have anything with boiled eggs you can also cook those.
If you also do more homemade stuff versus out of a can or box get all of your ingredients prepped.
I know my grandmother always made homemade cornbread stuffing.
She would bake her cornbread the day before so it was already done and dried out.
Oh and a little tip I learned one year.
Do not cover peeled boiled eggs with foil. Use plastic wrap!
The sulfur in the eggs reacts with the aluminum causing black marks on your eggs.
It also eats holes into the foil. We do not need metal poisoning happening.
This is also a good day to start setting your dinner table.
That way you have one less thing to worry about the next day.
Do everything you can on this day!
Remember to get you a good night's rest, because if you are like many you will be up early.
When Turkey day arrives remember one thing!
Enjoy yourself and family!
This is a day of giving thanks, it is not completely about the food.
Get your turkey cooking and throw together everything you prepped prior to Thanksgiving.
When we have everything prepared ahead of time it makes it so much easier.
Everything will be ready to devour by lunch time and your day will be less stressed.
So enjoy! Create many memories and traditions this coming holiday!
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